Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Trousers Hindering My Progress!

Just switched out of trousers into PJ bottoms and I've been flying through my work. I remember a conversation I had with Will about the benefit of working in new media, "we get to sit at home in our jammies, with a nice cup of tea and a duvet just coding html and css..."

I'm feeling so cocky about my progress since getting into my PJs that i've taken a break from my essay to write this. Doctors have the right idea, they just wear scrubs which a basically PJs and they're wicked sick at saving peoples lives.

We should all take notice of how productive the world is when comfortable. As a society we're evolved past trousers. Sure we needed them back in the days before decent heating in building and occasional bear attacks. I propose a remodeling of our society to exclude the need for trousers and bring the era of PJs.

Although that might be a society of Jack Wills and A&F douche bags running around in there baggy jammies, white framed bug sun glasses, iPod nanos and flip flops talking about how far back up there heads they make there quiffs as they rush to nandos to mack on the hunniez.

I guess no society will ever be perfect :(

Allocating Time

Well I'm quite a way through my essay and I'm confident on being to a good standard by the time i send it into the dropbox. I'm just annoyed at myself for once again leaving my work to what feels like the last minute. Ideally thinking about it now I would have had Jools look through a draft as I'm not very confident with my writing skills, but I suppose that's just a bit more knowledge I'll have for the next reflective critique on practitioner based networking and the critical practise my development should emulate to parallel my career with that of an influence.

I'm really looking forward to this Easter holiday that's coming up. I see it as the opportunity I need to focus on my work. This may seem like an odd thing to say considering it's my "holiday break" but here's the circumstances that are shaping this break to be the most productive thing to happen to me since redbull and foosh mixers.

Because I live in the far off land, where the oggies grow on trees, also known as Cornwall, I have to find my own way home rather than most people who have there parents pick them up. This means I'm required to travel for nine hours across two trains and a coach, which limits the amount of stuff I can bring back. I'm only going to be able to take my laptop and a rucksack full of dirty clothes back with me.

My laptop it's self is just capable of running UTEd2k4 and 3DSM (although I wouldn't trust it to render my work). This means that I will be forced to spend my time being productive with these two programs rather than spending my time off dicking about on my very fast, very sexeh PC.
4gig of RAM
GeForce 280GTX
3.16ghz processor

Overall I'm looking forward to being productive. Here's a check list I hope to finish by the time I get back to Nottingham, or as I like to call it THE DISTRACTION FACTORY!

Finish 3D character's and Rigging for animation
Finish 3D sets for animation
Story board for animation
UT2k4ED tutorials on lifts, portals, weapon placement, etc... completed
UT2k4map completed
UT2k4map textures to be near completion
Visualisation project started with mock sketches
Gamer Society Tournament organised
Gamer Society Source server up and running
Gamer Society Steam community refresher
Gamer Society event for Clifton members
Mock up for new blog layout, including images ready for use.

That's quite a list, and I'm sure I'll have more to add to it once I give it a good thinking over.

Thursday, 19 March 2009

What do you do with 100 sheep, alot of LED lights and too much time?

Simple you do what anyone would do when they're bored. Play pong.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

First UT '04 Editor Done

I've been playing around in Unreal Editor for a while now but I just decied to be productive and follow a tutorial. Here's some ingame pictures:

All things considered it went quite smoothly and I enjoyed it. Alot of it seemed to be quite calculated sized boxes that you subtract into rooms, etc... I think I'm going to need to redo my level ideas on graph paper to make fitting it all together easier.


I Recently finished a game called Beyond Good and Evil which is a gritty platformer like Jak and Daxter (2&3). I enjoyed the game quite a bit and found that a sequal is being made and I found this trailer:

I know this is just a trailer and not actual game graphics, but I found it intresting how the graphics for this game have been updated.

Beyond Good & Evil (2003)

Beyond Good & Evil 2 (Trailer 2008)

Unreal Editor Hates Me and I Feel The Same

Granted I'm very new to this program, but i've been having problems at every turn. When I tried to create my own map I was unable to move the cubes I made, and now I'm trying a tutorial and I'm getting a texture error. I even tried saving the texture package in a diffrent folder and retexturing, but I get the same error:

UT2004 Build UT2004_Build_[2005-11-23_16.22]

OS: Windows NT 6.0 (Build: 6001)
CPU: GenuineIntel PentiumPro-class processor @ 3167 MHz with 2047MB RAM
Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 (7824)

Failed to enter Autoplay.ut2?NumBots=0: Can't find file for package 'Chapter3saved_tex'

History: UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine <- FMallocWindows::Free

I geuss I'll just keep trying to figure it out.

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Project 2 Arcitechtual Visualisation II

I went trolling though some old pictures of when I went to Morrocco. Some of the pictures I took when in Marakesh would could be used for inspiration.

Project 2 Arcitectual Visualisation

I've decided to recreate the asthetic of a city from a computer game called Jak & Daxter 2. I like the exagerated extrusions from buildings giving it a characturesk look but with an overall futeristic slum feel.

Concept art from the game.

The arcitechure also seems to be based on medevil persian towns.

Pictures done by Bob Rafei for Jak and Daxter 2.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Visualistaion - Architecture

After doing some research into Art Nouveau I stumbled across a site with bizarre buildings.

I like the fact that these buildings exist. They are shining examples of how some successful businesses still have a heart and artistic flare. It's reassuring that even in these hectic times of commercialism and corporaisation there will still be artistic uniqueness.

The link for the pictures is here.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Animation - Set Creation

I've recently started building the set for my animation. I've haven't added the lighting or most of the textures yet but hopefully you'll get an idea of what it's all about.

There is alot more to come but I thought I'd show my inital ideas.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Yankee Gal

I stumbled across this video and really liked the use of lighting and sound.

Yankee Gal from Yankee Team on Vimeo.